
2nd EDA®-Conference

This year, Matplus GmbH is hosting the 2nd EDA® User Conference for users and interested parties.

The conference will start at noon on 24th May 2023 and will end at noon on 25th May 2023. The venue will be the Tagunsgzentrum Wuppertal GmbH „Auf dem heiligen Berg“.

Materials Data Management with EDA®

EDA® is the software for materials knowledge management. EDA® enables the integration and consolidation of information from the material life cycle into a comprehensive knowledge base and links this with process and metadata. Valuable core know-how thus becomes available company-wide with vertical and horizontal integration across project and departmental boundaries.

The goals of this event are:

  • Exchange of experience with other users
  • Getting to know different fields of application
  • Direct discussions and professional exchange with developers
  • Involvement of users in the prioritisation of new functionalities
  • Presentation/preview of new software functions

Look forward to exciting presentations from the developers and users on the diverse application possibilities of EDA from practice and research! Detailed information on EDA can be found here .

The agenda for the event will be available shortly.

For more information on the event, please see the attached event information and registration form.

Contact us if you have any questions about the event and/or EDA - we are happy to help!

Registration Form Event Information Agenda