
3rd EDA® User Conference 2024

In 2024 Matplus GmbH will host the 3rd EDA® User Conference for users and interested parties in Vienna.

The conference will start at noon on June 19. 2024 and end in the afternoon on June 20. 2024. The venue for the conference will be the Hotel Schani in Vienna.

Consolidate and apply materials information across companies

Matplus EDA is the leading technical integration environment of materials data - from master data to exploratory data analysis for the digital twin. The workflow from laboratory information (LIMS) to material maps for different target systems is supported by extensive mathematical functions and interactive visualizations. This ensures seamless and efficient collaboration in the design of products and processes against a background of material and energy costs. Know-how thus becomes usable company-wide with vertical and horizontal integration across project and departmental boundaries.

The 2nd EDA® User Conference in May of this year was a complete success for participants and organizers alike: A unique community has formed that discusses and develops joint approaches for increasing competitiveness in the respective companies in pre-competitive collaboration. As a result, for example, a cross-company platform for sharing experiences and functional enhancements was created. This underlines a special feature of EDA: As an environment open to customers, extensions of functionality are possible with and also independently of the software manufacturer.

For the 3rd EDA User Conference 3 special workshops are planned:

  • 19.06.2024
    Optional integration of Matcalc® functionalities as a result of the cooperation with Matcalc Engineering and voestalpine. For ICME (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering), Matcalc® can be seamlessly integrated in addition to JMatPro®.
  • 20.06.2024
    Material flow and energy flow analysis as a result of the cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology in this field: This enables the calculation and optimization of sophisticated systems - with model-based physical consistency.
  • 21.06.2024
    Hands-on training for active users - from explorative data analysis with curve fitting to the development and integration of own programs for data analysis and visualization, e.g. with Scientific Python and Vega. The EDA Trainig is an additional offer from us and can be booked in addition to the participation in the regular conference or booked separately.

The goals of this event are:

  • Exchange of experience with other users
  • Getting to know different application areas
  • Direct discussions and professional exchange with developers
  • Involvement of users in the prioritization of new functionalities
  • Presentation/preview of new software functions

The 2024 user conference is currently in preparation - we expect interesting contributions from practical application and product development. We will provide more information soon.

Contact us if you have any questions about the event and/or EDA - we are at your disposal!

Detailed information about EDA® can be found here .

The EDA® User Conference will take place directly after the 13th JMatPro® User Conference on June 18-19. 2024. More information can be found here .

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