
Materials & Manufacturing 2024 - Circular Materials

Innovative approaches to circular economy in the aluminum industry, aiming to prevent downcycling and promote sustainability.

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Materials Magazine 04/2024: Circular Materials Engineering

Material innovation for a sustainable Industry 5.0 using aluminum as an example.

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InCeight 2023 - Statistical Evaluation of Fatigue

Investigation of statistical methods for evaluating fatigue properties of metallic materials, with a focus on improving lifetime predictions.

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METEC 2023 - Accelerate Steel Technology

Innovative approaches to accelerate green steel production technologies through digital tools and simulation. A look at the optimization of materials, processes, and energy flows.

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METEC 2023 - Circularity

More efficient steel recycling through model-based analysis of material and energy flows. Focus on circular economy and sustainable processes.

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Materials Testing 2022 - Lab Data and EDA

Efficient management of lab test data and its integration into a company-wide knowledge management system for process optimization.

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NAFEMS 2022 - Material Models for CAE

Application of advanced material models in CAE simulations to improve the accuracy of predictions for structural materials.

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Steels in Cars and Trucks 2022 - Steel Digitalization

Integration of advanced material models of steel into digital product development, focusing on improving product quality, sustainability, and reducing costs through effective material knowledge management.

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Steels in Cars and Trucks 2022 - Ultra-High Strength Steel

Development and characterization of a new ultra-high strength steel for body components, based on simulation methods.

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Meform 2020 - Material Models in PLM

Insights into the integration of advanced material models into PLM systems to optimize development processes through simulations and material tests.

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IT Production 2017 - Material Simulation

This article from IT & Production (Issue 6/2017) discusses the importance of precise material data and its simulation to optimize production processes. It presents software solutions like JMatPro that accurately calculate material properties for various alloys.

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